Anti-cellulite Massage: Myths And Reality

Cellulite is a condition that affects many people, both men, and women. Unfortunately, despite what you may have heard, there is no one magical solution that will make it disappear completely. However, there are some things you can do to help reduce the appearance of cellulite. One of those things is massage. But does anti-cellulite massage work? First, let’s take a closer look at the evidence.

The benefits of anti-cellulite massage

There are two types of anti-cellulite massage: manual and hardware. In addition, there are many techniques that you can use for anti-cellulite massage. These include rubbing, stroking, and kneading. The goal is to stimulate cell metabolism by affecting the near layer of white fat.

The effect of anti-cellulite massage

  • enhances lymph and blood flow.
  • helps remove toxins from cells.
  • activates the work of the sebaceous and hormonal glands.
  • stimulates the removal of fluid from the body.

All of this helps improve the skin’s structure, eliminate edema, better nutrition of cells, accelerate their renewal, and prevent cell stagnation.

massage promotes weight loss

Popular misconceptions about anti-cellulite massage

Massage breaks fat

No, you cannot crush fat cells. However, you can break the capillaries, and then bruises will remain on the body and cellulite. The effect of anti-cellulite massage is to normalize metabolic processes. It is what has a beneficial effect on the skin.

Massage should hurt and bruise after

It is another myth about massage. People believe that to break down fat, you must apply a lot of pressure and cause pain. Massage should never be painful. Bruising means the blood vessels have been damaged, interrupting the blood and lymph flow. It is counterproductive to the desired effect.

Anti-cellulite massage promotes weight loss

It is not true. Massage does not remove fat. To lose weight, you need to reconsider your diet and lifestyle. Massage can only help to tone the skin and make it more elastic.

Drink less during a massage

People might think that they need to drink less water to lose weight. That is not true. You should drink the same amount of water as before. If you drink less water, you will only lose weight because you will lose water, not fat. Drinking water helps remove toxins from the body, which we want to achieve with the anti-cellulite massage.

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